Junior Board of Directors
Cortney Copeland, OH
Grace Hayes, CA
Ella Brown, ND
Courtney Bauck, WI
Board Member
Jackson Thiesen, MN
Board Member
Danlee Jarvis, UT
Hailee Luiz, CA
Junior Breeders Directory
Futurity Program
Standings & Results
2024 – 2025 Point Standings
(Updated 8/14/24)
Futurity Comeback Show Results
2024 Futurity Comeback Results
(Updated 814/24)
Contact – CSBA Office
[email protected]
National Junior Show
Scholarship Application Rules
Who is Eligible?
- Individuals who are high school seniors through college juniors and will not have reached the age of 22 before the 2024 National Columbia Junior Show (June 6, 2024).
- Individuals who plan to enroll in a two-year or four-year college or vocational/technical school.
- Demonstration of financial need is not necessary.
- The applicant must be a member of the National Junior Columbia Assn.
Scholarship Amount
- $500 to be awarded to an individual only one time during their college career.
- Money shall be applied to expenses such as tuition, fees, housing, books or supplies.
Scholarship Conditions
Upon being awarded the scholarship, the recipient must:
- Enroll as a full-time student during the year in which the scholarship was received.
- Provide proof of enrollment. A copy of the class schedule will serve as proof.
- The scholarship check will be mailed after the individual meets the conditions described above.
- Complete the academic term, with the exception of family emergencies, illness, or military service.
How to Apply
- Send the completed scholarship application, letter of recommendation, and transcript(s) to: CSBA Office, PO Box 722, Lakefield, MN 56150
- Applications must be postmarked by May 15, 2022.
National Columbia Ambassador Program
Ambassador Program Details
1. The Columbia Ambassador program is a unique way to help promote and be highly involved with Columbia sheep, the people who raise them and hone useful leadership skills for the future. During the one-year term, the Ambassador will represent the CSBA at sheep and lamb related activities and to interact with the people and institutions that impact the sheep industry.
2. An adult coordinator, from the CSBA Youth Committee, will assist with events and duties.
3. The Ambassador is eligible from the ranks of the National Columbia Sheep Breeders Association.
- This may include someone who is actively involved in the production and registration of purebred Columbia sheep OR be the child of a parent, grandparent, or guardian who is actively involved in the production and registration of purebred Columbia sheep.
- The candidate shall be 14 years of age by the date of the National Columbia Show and Sale annual meeting but shall not have reached 22 years of age prior to that time. The 2024 qualification date is June 6, 2024, the day of the annual meeting election of the Ambassador.
- Young men and women are eligible.
4. The Ambassador shall be a current member of the Junior Columbia Association.
5. The Ambassador will, regularly, report to the CSBA Board of Directors.
6. The Ambassador is encouraged to attend events such as (but not limited to) county, state, and national shows, consumer-related lamb/wool events, parades, industry forums, and educational events to actively promote Columbia sheep and the CSBA.
7. The Ambassador is encouraged to attend the NAILE in Louisville, Kentucky.
a. A stipend of up to $1,500 is provided by the Columbia Sheep Breeders Association for
transportation and lodging for the Ambassador to attend the Junior Jackpot Show and All-
American Open shows at the NAILE.
1) Receipts and mileage can be submitted to the Executive Secretary following the NAILE.
2) The stipend is not a lump sum payment.
8. Application
a. Submit a brief article to the Speaking of Columbias sale catalog. Explain why you would like to be the Ambassador and describe your background in Columbia sheep production and promotion. Submission date is April 20th. Submit to the Executive Secretary by April 24th.
b. You are encouraged to attend the annual CSBA meeting and introduce yourself to the CSBA membership and explain your desire to become the Columbia Ambassador.
c. Contact the Jr. Advisor for more details or if you cannot attend the National Show but are interested in the Ambassador position.
Jr Association By-Laws
Click to read by-laws
Article I – Name and Objectives
Section 1: Name – The name of this organization shall be the National Junior Columbia Sheep Breeders’ Association.
Section 2: Objectives
A. To promote Columbia sheep
B. To encourage participation of youth in the National Columbia Sheep Breeders Association
C. To assist the National Association in the Junior promotional activities.
D. To develop youth leadership.
Article II – Membership and Dues
Section 1: Membership
- Membership is open to any youth through twenty-one (21) years of age at the date of the Columbia National Show and Sale and whose dues are paid.
Article III – Directors and Officers
Section 1: Eligibility
A. All youth with a paid membership and own Columbia sheep are eligible.
B. Officers must be a minimum of fourteen (14) years old.
C. Directors must be a minimum of twelve (12) years old.
Section 2: Directors
A. Directors shall be elected by the general junior membership: one from each time zone, two junior members-at-large, and the Junior Ambassador; a total of seven junior directors. In the event that a time-zone position goes unfilled, an additional at-larg director will be elected.
Section 3: Officers
A. Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. Officers shall be elected by the directors from the directors board.
Article IV –Elections and Terms of Office
Section 1: Elections
Elections shall be held yearly during the National Columbia Show and Sale at the annual junior membership meeting.
Section 2: Terms of Office
A. Directors shall be elected for two year terms.
- First year elections (1998) only shall elect one person from each time zone and one person-at-large for a one year term. One person from each time zone and one person-at-large shall be elected to two year terms. All elections thereafter shall be for two year terms.
Section 3: Attendance
A. All directors should attend the annual junior membership meeting held during the National Columbia Show and Sale.
Article V – Advisors
Section 1: Junior Association advisors shall be a member of the National Association directors appointed by the National Association president and any other adults appointed at the discretion of the National Association president.
Article VI – National Show and Sale
Section 1: The National Junior Show and Sale shall be held in conjunction with the annual National Columbia Show and Sale.
A. All rules and regulations pertaining to the National Columbia Show and Sale shall apply
Last Amended June 15, 2018